Intro - Colorado

Just Fluff

11 Years
Nov 30, 2008

I've been a member of this group for awhile, but have never posted, I don't think. Just too much to do, and haven't had a chance to introduce myself. Was prompted by the big boss,
, so here I am.

I've inherited the chickens from my son who is now in the Marines and on his first tour in Afghan.
I enjoy working with them, watching them and hearing them talk. They are a motley crew of various breeds and "mutts." My Rat Terrier decided we had too many chickens a year or so ago, and helped me cut down the numbers, without my permission. We've had Buff Orpingtons, Leghorns, Delaware, Polish Lace, Phoenix, and Red Star, as well as a bunch of who knows! We have some of the original chickens left, but I'm hoping to restock this year with some Buckeyes, Brown Leghorns and Americauna, as well as some Dark Cornish and maybe some other meat birds. (I hope I've got the names right, been a bit since I looked at them.)

We live in western CO on a small ranch. The chickens have a cement block house to roost in at night, otherwise they have free range of the pasture and yards. Two Red Bourbon turkey toms and four geese (Toulouse?) keep them company. I would like to sell eggs on a small basis and raise a moderate amount for meat birds for the local area CSA.

Just Fluff
I am out on the Western Slope, in Crawford, about an hour and a half southeast of Grand Junction. Where are the Flattops?

Just Fluff
Welcome from Kansas. One of my best friends lives in the Powderhorn area.....not too terribly far from you.

ETA: Powderhorn the town...not the ski area.
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LOL! We're probably as far from you as we can get and still be in the same state. I'm out on the eastern plains up on the palmer divide at 6800 ft out by Kiowa. Some lady asked me the other day if we lived in Kansas when I'd just TOLD her that we lived way out east of Denver.

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