

In the Brooder
Mar 30, 2023
Southern CA
Hi :frow
A quick intro for me - I'll answer the questions.....
I've had chickens for over 20 years, first got them (3 Barred Rocks) for eggs - once they'd established themselves free range on our acre I found we had no slugs, snails or earwigs - what a great bonus. Had them for 5 years before the coyotes found us and realized we were the KFC on their route. Built the Fort Knox of chicken coops and runs (prior they had a small night house they'd be locked up in).
When I replaced them I had Marans, Barnvelders, Aurcanas, Polish, Cochin, and Welsummer - made for a pretty yard with different chickens. Eventually their free ranging ended when the coyotes came through at noon and took out 2. Now we're on a ranch and have 5 chickens - Australorp, Welsummer, and Easter Eggers. (5 chickens). I like different chickens and now with the space my try getting a rooster and breeding them. Who knows!! :lau🐔
I like having chickens for their eggs. And they are fun to watch.
This spring I need to revamp our chicken run - it just needs a little updating! I miss the one we had at the old place - it was huge!
We have sheep on the ranch and have dogs that I use for herding and moving the sheep to different areas on the ranch to graze in grazing season.
I ~think I was on BYC many many MANY years ago. I'm on BYH now and have just added BYC back in.

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