introducing 3, 2 week old ducklings to mother ducks?

Foxes here love ducks more then anything I've ever raised. Sorry about your duckies :(
Although, I should have seen it coming, about a week before they were killed I found a hole, I had assumed it was an echidna hole as we've gotton a few of those lately, and I covered it in so the horses would get caught and break their leg.
We are going to get a dog soon so hopefully that will scare anything away, maybe I can start again...
I don't have a dog, but I got a goat
and I put on talk radio in my coop. I haven't had a fox attack since. knock on wood.
HI all,
Good news after the incident, the ducklings are now living with my Uncle and his ducklings of the same age and have made a full recovery.
They are all doing well and are happy with their adopted family.
Ms Lydia, I noticed you changed your photo, nice picture, are they yours?
I just read what happened to your ducks...sorry for your loss. I hope you get better soon and you can start over with the fowl

But nice to read that the rescues are doing well.
I will definately start up again in the future, but for now I might have a bit of a break... not that poulty is anything to take a break from.

Now the wild ducks are coming in the yard and exploring, it's nice to see them around.
I also have almost a full bag of duck grain to find a home for...
I'm in the same boat, I have a 3 month old khaki Campbell hen that lost it's only friend, I purchased a two week old duckling and they get along decently, when they are in the pond the older one does nibble it and sometimes bites, it is about 95 degrees here so it doesn't need the warmth, but seems to be okay
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