Introducing 4 Hens To 1 Resident Hen


In the Brooder
Dec 28, 2020
Los Angeles, CA

We had 1 Ameraucana hen ("Chicken Girl" or simply, "Girl") in the coop for about 6 months that was traded to our landlady from a neighbor. The landlady underfed her while we were away for 6 weeks and Girl started molting in a bad way. We got her back on feed and minerals and she's finally regrowing her plumage.

I gifted my fiancee 4, 7 month old hens (x2 Barred Rock and x2 Buff Orpington from the same flock) for Christmas.

Our coop is separated into two parts via a door. Each "flock" is in their own section. I've read up on how to introduce new birds to a flock, but never new birds to a single bird.

They've been separated since the Tuesday before Christmas. I've begun to allow them to mix while I'm in there to watch and "Girl" is the aggressor. She constantly goes over 1 specific Buff. The Barred Rocks come to the Buffs rescue and then everyone chills out. Until Girl gets her dander up again.

Here are some videos of the behavior.

I'm going to keep on doing what I'm doing as I think the behavior is normal and nothing to worry about, but curious if any of you have introduced many birds to 1.


Note: These videos are from the "before coop cleanup" times.

Looks and sounds like you’re doing everything right! Sometimes it just takes longer for them to get used to one another. I have an old Barred Rock girl and then adopted an adult Easter Egger. Took them ages to get used to one another and during that time I was also trying to work in my ten 5 month old chicks, too.

The good thing is it looks like your coop is nice and spacious with plenty of places to get out of the way. And it’s nice that the Barred Rock is stepping in every now and then. Just keep letting them spend time together and they’ll eventually find a system that works for them :wee .
Looks and sounds like you’re doing everything right! Sometimes it just takes longer for them to get used to one another. I have an old Barred Rock girl and then adopted an adult Easter Egger. Took them ages to get used to one another and during that time I was also trying to work in my ten 5 month old chicks, too.

The good thing is it looks like your coop is nice and spacious with plenty of places to get out of the way. And it’s nice that the Barred Rock is stepping in every now and then. Just keep letting them spend time together and they’ll eventually find a system that works for them :wee .

Thanks for the support!
Looks pretty normal.
As long as everyone gets enough to eat and drink, and no one is pinned down and beaten unmercilessy....or bloodied....let them work it out.

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