Introducing a 10 week old Indian runner to a large 3 year old mixed breed Drake


5 Years
Jul 21, 2014
Halifax, UK
Hi my mum had 2 ducks which she'd hatched herself and had for 3 years. They were very friendly and happy together but the female was taken yesterday morning by a fox. The male was distraught and kept calling for her and looking for her then became all subdued and wouldn't leave our side if we were in the garden and just stayed close to the house. We were worried about him so tried to find him a new female asap, however it was a real struggle to locate one and the best match we could find is a large 10 week old Indian runner. We put her in the duck hut and left him outside and he was sticking close to the hut. After a couple of hours we thought it would be ok to introduce him to the hut. He immediately tried to mate with her and she seemed really distressed. I'm not sure if he succeeded but now we're scared to let him near her in case she's too young and he hurts her. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks x
Hi my mum had 2 ducks which she'd hatched herself and had for 3 years. They were very friendly and happy together but the female was taken yesterday morning by a fox. The male was distraught and kept calling for her and looking for her then became all subdued and wouldn't leave our side if we were in the garden and just stayed close to the house. We were worried about him so tried to find him a new female asap, however it was a real struggle to locate one and the best match we could find is a large 10 week old Indian runner. We put her in the duck hut and left him outside and he was sticking close to the hut. After a couple of hours we thought it would be ok to introduce him to the hut. He immediately tried to mate with her and she seemed really distressed. I'm not sure if he succeeded but now we're scared to let him near her in case she's too young and he hurts her. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks x
She is way to young to be mated. just keep them apart but where they can see each other, till duckling is at least 4 months old or older. He could dif hurt this duckling mating with her at her age. and please do whatever you can to secure their pen/hut so you don't lose another to the fox because it will be back.

ps it's great you found him a mate he just needs to let her grow up before mating.
Thanks Miss Lydia. The ducks are free to roam the garden and it got the duck going into the stream at the bottom of the garden. We're cutting back all the foliage along the stream so that it doesn't have anywhere to hide but I'm still worried as we live next to a farm. The ducks are only out in daylight and it took her about 9am. My mum is incubating the females last egg but do you think that the male and female runner will take to her chick? We'll keep them apart until she's older, he seems to be enjoying hanging about the hut quacking with her at the moment at least and when he leaves she seems to call him back. If we manage to source another female thats older do you think we should get one or is it best to leave him to wait for this one? Thanks for your help! X
Thanks Miss Lydia. The ducks are free to roam the garden and it got the duck going into the stream at the bottom of the garden. We're cutting back all the foliage along the stream so that it doesn't have anywhere to hide but I'm still worried as we live next to a farm. The ducks are only out in daylight and it took her about 9am. My mum is incubating the females last egg but do you think that the male and female runner will take to her chick? We'll keep them apart until she's older, he seems to be enjoying hanging about the hut quacking with her at the moment at least and when he leaves she seems to call him back. If we manage to source another female thats older do you think we should get one or is it best to leave him to wait for this one? Thanks for your help! X
I'm sorry about the fox, they call them sly for a reason. but I will say the more females the better drakes do much better if they can spread the love around to more than 1 duck so a couple more ducks will be great and makes it alot less stressful and abusive for 1 duck to. and yes they will accept the baby but you'll need to introduce just like your doing this new one separate till they have had time to get use to each other. Keep us updated, hopefully you'll be able to find another duck to add to the family.
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Hi Miss Lydia, thanks for all of your help before. We kept our runner duck in a separate hut until she was 16 weeks old and the male eventually started sitting by her hut everyday and as soon as we let her out they have been inseparable. Not seen them mating though. My brother bought another duck because he didn't want our runner getting more attention than she could handle. He got a white cherry valley. She's lovely but the others won't take to her and the male has been really aggressive with her. We had to keep her in another hut and not let her out but last week I accidentally let her out. The male went for her and grabbed her neck and wouldn't let go. We managed to get him away from her but then she did a runner into the stream and under a bridge towards the feilds. I searched everywhere but couldn't find her. Miraculously yesterday after 4 days she came back. Not sure how she avoided the foxes. I've put het back in the hut but the male spends all his time trying to peck her through the wire. She seemed distressed at one point so I tried to usher him away and he even went for me. He's not as friendly with any of us anymore. Do you have any ideas as to how I can get them all to bond? I wondered about putting both females in the hut together but worried they'll fight. Thanks for any advice you can offer x

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