Introducing a new tom question


14 Years
Jun 11, 2008
Poplar Grove, IL
I have two Narragansett hens that live with two Chantecler roosters. They get along perfectly. Both sets would be free-ranging but the turkeys insist on flying into the dog yard and the roosters insist on over mating the hens so they live in a 5x10 indoor area with a maybe 16 x 20 outdoor run. I would like to add a tom turkey and have found a likely candidate on Craigslist. This tom is two years old and currently lives with chickens and ducks. The owner says he is tame and gets on well with the chickens and ducks.

My Narragansett hens are about 7 months old and are very calm and friendly. Do you experts see any problems with adding the two year old Narragansett tom to the group? Will the females accept him? Will he fight with the young roosters? I'm hoping to raise a few offspring in 2011 but I don't want to have to build yet another enclosure to separate the turkeys. I understand I would need to quarantine the new turkey for several weeks for health purposes.

It will fight with your rooster and the hens will accept him, they won't have a choice! It should be OK once the pecking order is established. I always house new birds where the older birds can see and explore the new introduction for a few weeks.
Thanks ColbyNTX,

I thought it might not be as easy as making sure he was healthy then letting them in together. I guess I'll go and check him out. If he looks very healthy and reasonably tame I think I will try. Thanks again.
Years ago when I introduced a breeding pen of Jersey Buff Turkeys to some bantam Buff Orpingtons, the bantam roo ruled the pen. the Tom was afraid of him.

When they get the pecking order worked out all should be fine. I would worm him with Wazine, along with your other turkeys and chcikens, just to make certain they have now cecal worms.


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