Introducing a rooster? Help!


In the Brooder
9 Years
Jun 12, 2010
N.E. Pennsylvania
Help! I was once the proud owner of 4 Bantam Silkies, 1 Rooster and 3 Hens. Two of the hens were taken by a neigbor dog who got loose. The last hen and rooster were kept in the locked coop and secured. The last hen was killed last night by what I believe was a raccoon. The rooster has been crowing all morning for his lost girl, it is a very sad time for all of us.
I am also raising 3 week old Golden Comets, is it possible to introduce this rooster to the babies of a different breed and at what age, how etc. Any suggestions are gladly welcome!
The Rooster "Big Dan" has a very pleasant disposition to the family, I am concerned how he will be if given a new flock to protect.
you really need to wait until the girls are a little bigger. when they can go outside then do so where they can see each other but not be together. when they are about the same size then let the mix while you can watch them
Thank you Mother of All, yes we found they should be older before introduction and of equal size. It is heart wrenching to hear him crow like he is as we know it's for his lost girls. The golden comets are all females and are growing up wonderfully! You believe a rooster of a different breed will work well this new flock? This is great news! Thank you again!

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