Introducing a rooster to flock of pullets

Lost in Wellsboro Pa.

8 Years
May 17, 2011
I have 12 white leghorn pullets about 10 weeks old. They run free during the days, I would like to get a young rooster to put with them would a 1 year old roo be a bad idea? Any suggestions?
Thanks in advance!
Usually it's recommended that the ladies be the same size when adding new ones -- but it might work better with a roo. I'd be prepared with a place to separate him if needed, but I'd probably try it. Maybe someone will come along who's actually done this.
Lost in Wellsboro Pa. :

I have 12 white leghorn pullets about 10 weeks old. They run free during the days, I would like to get a young rooster to put with them would a 1 year old roo be a bad idea? Any suggestions?
Thanks in advance!

I`ve had extensive experience with this. I can tell ya that the rooster needs to be MATURE. A mature cock will be gentle with the girls until they are almost breeding age and then he will have his wy with them. It will appear brutal to you, but it`s just the way chickens are. I have yet to have anyone hurt in the process. A young rooster, even the age of the pullets, will be shunned and picked on until he becomes a MAN. On ethat is a little older, yet immature, may go either way. Best bet is always use a mature cock with youngsters.........Pop​

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