Introducing and free ranging


Jul 30, 2018
Hey there,
So I got 3 mixed Plymouth Rock chickens age around 4 month, one male and 2 female.
The male start crowing last week.
I got separated 1-1.5 month old 5 chicks of white Leghorn and 2 month old male and female Marans.
When and how to introduce all of them together?

And I want them to free range my garden, it's not secure so they can go travel around so i'm afraid that they'll get lost \ I won't be able to catch them back to the coop at the evening..
What to do and how to do it so they get plenty of room free ranging?

BTW, how do I tell the sex of the white Leghorn at this age? I really can't tell right now with my inexperienced eye...
1-1.5 month old 5 chicks of white Leghorn
how do I tell the sex of the white Leghorn at this age?
Prefect age for pics in new thread here:

They all need to be 'homed' to the coop by confining them there 24/7 for 3-4-5 days.

Hate to tell ya, but this coop.... way too small for 10 birds.

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I will post pictures soon at the forum, thanks.
Prefect age for pics in new thread here:

They all need to be 'homed' to the coop by confining them there 24/7 for 3-4-5 days.

Hate to tell ya, but this coop.... way too small for 10 birds.
View attachment 1486493

Yea I know, right now i'm cleaning my 200 years untouched yard from all the wild grass and garbage and I will build them a better and bigger place, this coop will be in few month's for only 1 couple of marans
A couple of points:

2 + roosters in a small set up is not going to work most generally speaking.

Chickens will naturally return to where they slept last night, especially if you just let them out a little before dark.

I would not combine them until I had the bigger place built. Wishing they would all get along does not work. You are wanting to add birds at different maturity levels, in an over crowded place, is going to cause a lot of problems.

Often times people think that free ranging or opening up the garden to the birds will make up for over crowding in the coop or in the set up the rest of the time. Like taking a dog for a walk will calm him down and make him sleep when he gets home. Does not work for chickens and ugly behaviors develop with over crowding.

Mrs K

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