Introducing chickens that are the same age


6 Years
Nov 27, 2013
I have a flock of 8 chickens and they have grown up together so they know eachother very well. The other day I introduced two new hens and my original flock is ruthless towards them, pecking, pulling feathers and not allowing them to get to food. I am not sure what to do, it doesn't seem like normal pecking order business, just mean. I am keeping a close eye on them while they, hopefully, get used to eachother but any help would be greatly appreciated. THANKS!
It is best to have a long period of the two flocks being able to see each other but no touching, through wire seem to work best, ie dividing the coop into two sections or keeping the new/younger ones in a cage inside the coup for a couple of weeks to a month at least. The chickens will get to know each other and sort of work out a pecking order before actually coming in contact with each other. After a week or two, letting them free range together is a good idea and should help... It will take a couple of weeks to get the pecking order sorted out. There is a nice article in the Learning Center on integrating flocks you might like to check out, the part about actually combining them is after the quarantine section

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