Introducing chicks to darkness?


Jul 18, 2022
Hey everyone! Anxious first time chicken owner here. I have 10 five week old chicks who I am raising indoors at the moment (temps have been over 100 for weeks and I worry about putting them outside in that until they're fully able to regulate their body temperature). I shut the brooder light off about a week ago (at four weeks old) as we keep our house around 78 and the room they're in runs hot, so temps generally stay around 80-84. But I didn't want to plunge them into full darkness at night, so I've just been keeping a regular lamp on in the room so it's bright enough to see but dim enough to encourage them to sleep.

I anticipate transitioning them into their coop in 2 or 3 weeks, where they'll have little/no light (though we are thinking of setting up a nightlight), so I was wondering if I should start getting them used to the darkness. Is now the right time to be doing this, or are they still too young? How do you recommend going about this to minimize stress/fear? I was thinking of setting the lamp on a timer and having it turn off 15/30 minutes earlier every day. Does that sound okay?
Is there a way to provide some natural light to the room they're in (i.e. opening curtains/window blinds a bit?) Easiest way is to just provide natural light, since that dims slowly at dusk, and just not have a light on at all.

They might be upset and fussy the first night, but ignore it and walk away. They'll get over it. I do not provide any artificial lights to my chicks from the moment I get them, and they catch on easily that dark = bedtime.

Chickens do not need a night light in the coop. Most animals do best with as much darkness at bedtime as possible.
Is there a way to provide some natural light to the room they're in (i.e. opening curtains/window blinds a bit?) Easiest way is to just provide natural light, since that dims slowly at dusk, and just not have a light on at all.

They might be upset and fussy the first night, but ignore it and walk away. They'll get over it. I do not provide any artificial lights to my chicks from the moment I get them, and they catch on easily that dark = bedtime.

Chickens do not need a night light in the coop. Most animals do best with as much darkness at bedtime as possible.

They do have two windows in the room, so it does dim naturally in the evening. Then the light turns on around 8pm when the sun has just about set. Even with the light (it is somewhat dim), they do tend to hunker down to sleep around that time.

Ideally I do want to have them be in natural darkness, as I'd rather not unnaturally force growth/egg production later when they get older. I just worry about frightening them since they're used to the light by now. Do you think slowly increasing the darkness would be less frightening/disrupting than not turning it on at all when the sun sets? Or are they going to fuss either way?
Do you think slowly increasing the darkness would be less frightening/disrupting than not turning it on at all when the sun sets? Or are they going to fuss either way?
They may fuss either way, because it's "new," but only for a day or two. I know it's tough to hear those plaintive chick cries, but they already know that when lights go down, it's time for bed, so really no reason to have light on after that when they've already settled in.
From day one I introduce my chicks to darkness by covering the brooder with a thick towel, I do use a heat plate and not lamps though. It's great to get them used to it and the quicker you do it the sooner they'll become accustomed to it.

Birds love complete darkness to sleep in and even with my adults they go from full light to zero light at 9:45pm everyday. Then go from full darkness to full light at 7:15am every day. They've never seemed to care if it was from light to full darkness or slowly darker and darker. Natural light is a great way to do it but here in England we have light from 5am until 9pm and 5am is too early for my neighbours to be hearing them crow 😂
Ideally I do want to have them be in natural darkness, as I'd rather not unnaturally force growth/egg production later when they get older. I just worry about frightening them since they're used to the light by now. Do you think slowly increasing the darkness would be less frightening/disrupting than not turning it on at all when the sun sets? Or are they going to fuss either way?
All animals love routine, "forcing" light isn't necessarily a bad thing (yes over-winter I can understand), for the most part it will help your birds feel safe and secure knowing they have a routine.

Chicks may chirp for a few minutes after you plunge them into darkness but they complain about most things 😂 They're not as offended by it as you may think!
Good for you for removing the heat/light lamp. This is just another reason to not even use them. I did the night light/dim lamp thing too, as if they are toddlers but regretted it. They will for sure complain when you take it away. So next time don't even go there, do total darkness from day 1. For this time, just be mommy tough, keep window curtains open and ditch the lamp. They will get over it in a night or 2.

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