Introducing Chicks

Hello and welcome to BYC! :frow Glad you joined.

If your brooder is large enough you can give it a try. Just stick around for an hour or two to monitor.
Thank you, my brooder is for 22 chicks so happy with that. I thought of placing 2 of the new chicks in with my chicks and slowly introducing then 1 at time after that depending on how the first intro goes. Being 2 weeks old, I was hoping that they are still in "friendly" mode. Appreciate your help :)
my brooder is for 22 chicks
Based on what? How large is it in ft x ft? Can you post pictures?
I would put them all in at once and have 2 waterers and 2 feeders and some perches around the brooder for them to perch on.
For 7 chicks, I'd want a very airy brooder that is at least 8 sq feet.
Do you have an adult flock into which you will be integrating these chicks?
Based on what? How large is it in ft x ft? Can you post pictures?
I would put them all in at once and have 2 waterers and 2 feeders and some perches around the brooder for them to perch on.
For 7 chicks, I'd want a very airy brooder that is at least 8 sq feet.
Do you have an adult flock into which you will be integrating these chicks?
Right now, my brooder is 2' x 3' and is expandable as I currently only have 2 chicks in it. Yes, it will be as least 8' x 8' once these other chicks arrive. They will be integrated with a flock when they are of age. Yes, I will place perches around the brooder for them, thank you for that advise.

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