Introducing different aged chicks


9 Years
Apr 30, 2014
Hi there!

We have 8 chicks that are about 3 - 4 weeks old. We have one Leghorn, 3 Plymouth Rocks and 4 RIRs. They have all been together from the beginning.

Tomorrow, we may be getting 2 Easter Eggs and 1 Black Astralorp. I don't know how old they are yet, but I know they are younger than our first batch.

Should I put them in a separate brooder or will they be okay with the others?

Thank you for your help!
Hi there!

We have 8 chicks that are about 3 - 4 weeks old. We have one Leghorn, 3 Plymouth Rocks and 4 RIRs. They have all been together from the beginning.

Tomorrow, we may be getting 2 Easter Eggs and 1 Black Astralorp. I don't know how old they are yet, but I know they are younger than our first batch.

Should I put them in a separate brooder or will they be okay with the others?

Thank you for your help!
Hi ! and
If they are within 2 weeks of the older chicks, go ahead , but watch them.
If they are younger, wait until they are a month old and better able to handle
themselves with a bit more size and then introduce them to the rest of the flock.
It sometimes helps if you have 2 cages and set them side by side for day or two
so the chickens can see each other and get used to each other before you
combine them.
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Thanks for asking this. I'm raising a dozen chicks right now. I just moved them from the little chick brooder to the dog crate brooder. So now I want more chicks!
This is my first time raising chickens, and I can't believe how much I enjoy them. But since eventually all of them must flock together, I wondered about introducing chicks of different ages to one another.

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