Introducing ducks?


Duck Addict
5 Years
May 14, 2019
Woods of PA
I have a mallard and 2 muscovies that i've never introduced, i was planning to but then some of my ducks got ran over, then a fox attack, then aggresice breeding, I rescued her from living alone with barely any food and water and she lived with only chickens (which is what she is with right now, my chickens) they get along great and my muscovies that i have right now are super sweet, they love my cats and my chicks and would never hurt eachother, they stay together none of them have higher power so hopefully nothing goes wrong..
Can they see each other now? that's the best way to introduce have the one that's going to be introduced where the residents can see and meet with out conflict. Also letting them free range together can help since they can stay away from each others space. Bless you for rescuing her she sounds precious! Maybe share some pics and be sure to let us know how the intro goes.
Can they see each other now? that's the best way to introduce have the one that's going to be introduced where the residents can see and meet with out conflict. Also letting them free range together can help since they can stay away from each others space. Bless you for rescuing her she sounds precious! Maybe share some pics and be sure to let us know how the intro goes.
Alright i'm just scared because i coop up my chickens in a fence and my mallard is still pretty skittish i do have her wings clipped and i can try free ranging them together but would she just wait by the fence to be put in at night or do i just catch her before that?
Do you coop your Muscovy? If your Mallard isn't use to her surrounding maybe it's best you wait to let her free range. Can the Muscovy come over to the pen and have they? How long has she been with you?
I have Muscovy and Mallard derived they do fine together. They may not hang out together but they seem to understand each other okay. Eventually you might want to get her a buddy another female of her species would be nice. @Daphne_loves_mealworms has both and hers have done great together. All depends on the ducks!:D
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In a nutshell, I like to set them up in a see no touch setting until the day comes when they seem to ignore each other. In the pen when preparing to introduce them I think it is good to have at least two good bowls and two water buckets (bullying tends to happen around food and water so this helps split them up). Then I let them mingle while I am in the run with them and observe and go from there. If it seems all are accepting each other and you have one bully, you can always remove the bully from the mix for another week.

If your birds do not normallly free range, I would not introduce them to free ranging for the first time ever at the same time you are introducing the new ducks because now you are trying to do two new things with your flock at once and it could get complicated for you trying to round them up in the evening.
Alright i let them free range together for an hour, they did fine! besides a few hisses and nips they got along, she followed them around, my smaller Muscovy did fine with her although my drake was unsure at first.. but they eventually got it and went swimming together.

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