Introducing Frostypenn and chickens


Dec 6, 2021
I got new chickens this year, (giving up my geese because I can't keep grass growing to feed them.) I bought one each of various breeds, then 4 buff orpingtons. I live in NM, so I want to let them interbreed and keep the ones best suited to a difficult (but not too cold) climate. I have 7 hens and 2 roosters.
I have 2.5 acres, surrounded by a 6' chain link fence, so I don't have to worry about thieves or coyotes, but then I started losing chickens at night from owls. So I had to lock them up in a 4' by 14 ' henhouse and a 42' by 15' run, with chicken-wire over the top. They weren't too happy but they are getting used to it. I plan to let them out during the day after they have learned to return to roost there at night. I hope six weeks will do it.
I have planted many trees around the house for fruit and nuts, for windbreak and for wildlife food and nesting. Now they are good for shading the chickens too. I enjoy reading everybody's posts.

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