Introducing myself and my new flock


In the Brooder
5 Years
Apr 21, 2014
Pasco County Florida
Just wanted to stop by this thread and introduce myself. My name is Steve from Florida, and I have recently decided to try a hand at rasing y own chickens for fun as well as for the eggs. I have purchased six Plymoth bared rock hen pullets and I look forward to seeing them grow. I wish you all the best and I look forward to interacting with everyone.
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Hi and welcome to BYC from northern Michigan

Just due to privacy and security concerns, it is best to not post your full name and where you live on a website. You can edit your post by clicking on the little pencil symbol in the lower left corner. Lots of nefarious folks out there mining for information.

Welcome to BYC!

Congrats on your new flock! Barred Rocks are a great breed to keep. I am sure you will be pleased. Definitely stop by our learning center here on BYC for lots of good reads on taking care of your new birds. Kelsie has left you with the link.

Great to have you aboard and enjoy all your poultry adventures!

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