Introducing myself


Apr 6, 2020
I live In upstate rural NY (most of NYS is actually rural). And would love to connect with like minded people in the Schoharie county area. I just got my first chickens. All babies. 6 Buff Orpingtons, 3 Isa Browns, 2 Barred Rock, 2 Light Brahmas, 2 Golden Wyandotte’s. All are supposed to be hens except the buffs were straight run. Tried the foot dangle technique to increase the chances of getting hens. Heard the farm stores hens aren’t always, so wondering how many will be Roos.

I commute an hour each way to work so I can enjoy country life. I’m away from home 10-12 hrs a day. I volunteer every Monday and Friday evening at the local Celebrate Recovery and Sundays do bible study with 1st - 3rd graders. So not a ton of free time.

I started a part time paint party business as part of a 10 yr Pre-retirement plan along with adding perennial food plants for an organic permaculture yard - which is on a slope facing the wrong direction I’ve come to learn. Hope to add animal cultivation techniques to my 7 acre yard.

I found and followed byc on Facebook for a number of years now. The Coronavirus pushed me to suck it up and get more serious about raising food, hence the chicks. I was going to put annual edibles on hold, but the virus has me being more practical than that.

I’m married to an awesome guy who has a lot of health issues, so will be relying on myself more than I want to, but I’m committed to this dream of being as self reliant and pesticide free as possible.

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