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by keeping them separated by a wire fence, until the younger ones catch up in size to the older ones. There should be quite difference between 4wk old and 11wlk old, but in a month, it will be much less.

The fence will let them get used to each others smells and sounds and movements, but still protect the younger ones.

Mrs K
You might want to put a small door on the kennel, after a few days to a week, that the youngers can get thru but the older birds cannot.
It's like a refuge for the youngers and by the time they don't fit in the kennel they may be integrated with the olders. It really worked well for me.

Here's how I did mine....this is the first iteration, then lowered the mesh on the door and just bent up a corner for an entrance to the dog crate.

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Oh thank you. I will most definitely be trying this in the near future. Were in the process of building a bigger run for the flock for when they are not out free ranging. The little ones know to retreat when the bigger birds are coming. We have some coo coo maran pullets that will be the last ones integrated in once they get bigger. They are still nuggets yet and have a little time to go yet.
I tries the kennel with the opening yesterday. It worked wonderfully. The younger chicken's actually went into the coop on their own. And the SLW didn't bother them. Every day gets a little better.

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