Introducing new chickens into an established flock--questions

Thank you everyone, for your suggestions. We went ahead and bought two hens from the same 4-Her. The chickens were familiar with each other, and they will have each other when we introduce them into the flock. Right now, they are on the opposite side of our property from the other chickens. They are living in a small coop with a small run underneath. We move it about once a week. They're very friendly hens, and so far, they're doing great! :)
You have received lots of good advice, and it sounds like you are doing things right.

My only two cents' worth is that MY cochin bantams, who along with a blue-laced red Wyandotte, were added to my existing flock more than a year ago are FIERCE! The little red frizzle will run at anyone, and the barred girl, despite having one bum leg, has repeatedly told the new Easter eggers to back off and move away from her food. The big, fluffy Wyandotte, on the other hand, is the most submissive girl in the group. The queen, by the way, is a Buff Orpington who will take anyone's treat right out of their mouth -- just to prove she can.

Good luck with integrating your flock! The new dynamics are always interesting.
I have a bantam mottled cochin and she is not meek in the least! She is a bit of a loner, but she gets along with the flock ok. She has a chick with her now, so she's gotten a lot braver and bolder, and is a fiercely protective mama. We got her as a chick with two or three other chicks. It's always a lot harder to integrate a single bird into a flock; I always compare it to how a person would feel having to start living with a bunch of strangers...we quarantine ours for a month. Not necessarily all that far away from the flock, because we do want them to know that there are other chickens around, but they do stay far away enough to try to keep exposure to a minimum on both sides. after the quarantine period is up, you might want to move their enclosure with them in it closer to the flock, so they can socialize a bit with the rest of the flock through the wire for a week or so. good luck, it sounds like they have a great new home!
Yes--the bantam cochins can be fierce! We have a little black hen who is my daughter's pet. She hatched out two chicks and she went from sweet to "don't mess with my kids!" She's still wonderful around us, but the other chickens, even the full-sized ones, give her and her babies a wide berth!

We ended up with a lavender orpington, along with the calico cochin bantam. They're getting along great, and are both laying eggs on a pretty regular basis. We've had them for about 2 1/2 weeks, so they still have a little while before they get to meet the other ladies. I had planned to move their coop back near the other one so they could meet the flock safely. Overall, we have a very docile, friendly flock, so hopefully the intro will go smoothly.
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It is always better to get more than one hen when introducing to a new flock.....other than that said everyone has already given the best info I can give you separate water or separate feeders to make sure they are never know how it's going to go and we always brace ourselves for the worst..... Having chickens for over 20 years I've seen anything happen.:old...I've seen chickens accept new ones in the flock after 5 minutes like nothing ever happened, and I seen them scrap and fight over and over for weeks on end to the point where I had to have separate housing:barnie (which is usually the worst case scenario next to death).... A lot of people say put them in at night time but that makes me nervous cuz then I can't watch what happens if I don't get there at daybreak.... know your own flock, which will lead you to make the best decision you can!!! Good luck
I have a question similar .. he had gotten 5 red sexlinks for egg laying back n may ,they were already 16 wks old, then we got three baby chicks about a week later they were only a couple days old ,one Easter Egger and two Silkies, The Easter egger turns out is a Rooster, I am not sure on the Silkies yet I am thing one is a roo and the a hen
because we have had the three of them separated from the main flock most of the summer and only allowed to mingle in the yard while we are out with them My girls will chase the Rooster and he runs screaming and flapping around the yard
they don't bother the Silkies that much maybe the odd peck at here and there
we are trying to intergrate them into the main coop we have been keeping them in a large wire dog crate protected from the big girls. I am wondering if we should be finding a home for the Easter Egger Rooster as we are not wanting to breed the chickens and will the Silkies be accepted by the reds or not .
cooler weather is coming soon and I was hoping everyone would get along before the snow flies
thank you for any imput you may have
I would not mix silkies with sex link hens. Silkies can get brain injuries from too much head pecking. I would at least not keep the rooster. He will be too rough on the silkies, and you don't have enough hens, so he will over mate them.

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