Introducing new chickens


In the Brooder
Mar 23, 2020
Hi. I have two chickens I want to introduce to the flock. I have raised them from 1 week in a brooder and they are now about 6 weeks old, about a month and a half younger than the others. I plan on putting the two inside the run in their own “look but don’t touch” area. My question is how long should I keep them in there? They r about half the size of the others but fully feathered.
The thing to understand about chickens is they are capable of learning the temperaments of the chickens they are being introduced to. When you give them a safe place to adjust to their new environment while they can safely observe their new flock mates, they can learn behaviors in less than one week. It's like gathering intel.

If you have plenty of space in your run and ample roosting space so they don't have to compete to strenuously for a perch, chickens adjust pretty quickly. Having numerous feeding and watering stations helps a lot since bullying lower ranking chickens from the feeders is a very common method of establishing dominance in the social order.
The thing to understand about chickens is they are capable of learning the temperaments of the chickens they are being introduced to. When you give them a safe place to adjust to their new environment while they can safely observe their new flock mates, they can learn behaviors in less than one week. It's like gathering intel.
I have a somewhat similar situation. introduced 2 new Brahma that are about 7 weeks younger than my other girls. They've been in the coop for 3 weeks or so now, overall just the usual pecking order stuff, but at night my SL orpington guards the ramp so they can't get back in. I have so sit outside and watch and pick them up and put them in. The coop is 4 ft x 8 ft for 6 chickens, i have 2 feeders inside and water inside and outside. Plenty of roosting spots (though the babies have taken to sleeping in the nesting box). Any thoughts?
I have a somewhat similar situation. introduced 2 new Brahma that are about 7 weeks younger than my other girls. They've been in the coop for 3 weeks or so now, overall just the usual pecking order stuff, but at night my SL orpington guards the ramp so they can't get back in. I have so sit outside and watch and pick them up and put them in. The coop is 4 ft x 8 ft for 6 chickens, i have 2 feeders inside and water inside and outside. Plenty of roosting spots (though the babies have taken to sleeping in the nesting box). Any thoughts?
Yeah I think that happened with mine too come to think of it. I would say wait a little longer to go out there Even if it requires a flashlight because mine don’t go in until it’s just about dark. (Almost 9pm here in the north). The “guard” is going to go in at some point and the others will follow. I found if I stand there and watch they are paying attention to me which may cause them to not do their normal thing.

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