- Jul 6, 2009
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I need some advice, we have our 2 hens; Bella a Black Australorp and Maddie, (which was supposed to be a buff orp) is actually some sort of cross blend of Buff Orp, sexlink or something (no one really knows for sure). Anyway, Maddie is clearly the dominant one, even though Bella is much larger. She rules the roost, tries to hog all the food...but we've never caught her being aggressive to Bella or anything. We bought them both as pullets, they will follow us around, take food from our hands etc but neither want to be picked up and held and will do everything they can to avoid it....which is a little disappointing. Anyway, I am thinking of buying 2 babies in the spring. I would love to raise them from babies to see if they would be a little more interested in wanting to be held.......I have raised baby ducks so I know the basics of care. What I don't know is when they can be safely introduced to the other two, what to look out for, and all of that. Are there any websites you can direct me to or advice on this subject? Would have loved to of bred Bella, but we don't have a rooster (and cannot have one here), plus then there is the worry of too many babies and which are males and females etc and then trying to find good homes.