Introducing peahen to free range peacock

Just Rachel

Jul 31, 2021
We brht home a 3yr old peahen 2wks ago which we are keeping in a pen. We have a 4yr old peacock who has free ranged for 3yrs now.
When would it be safe to let the hen out.
When I Google search this, the answers I find are anywhere from 2wks to 6mths.
I would start with some supervised visits letting the cock into the pen and let them start bonding. Once they do that I would turn them out during the day. Only feed them in the pen so they come back to it.
I started doing this today. I was hoping if they developed a bond the hen would not stray far from our peacock "Randy". I think only feeding them in the pen is a great idea, and will be sure to do that.

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