Introducing the keets


Aug 2, 2019
It's 87°, so I put the keets in the playpen under a tree w/both shade and filtered sunlight while I cleaned the brooder. I did so the other day when it was in the 90°s but all they did was huddle in terror.
Today started off similar but it didn't take long before they were side eyeing me & checking out the environment, stretching, preening & snacking.
Even Numi has adjusted to their presence, so everyone spends time at the window watching them each day except Mama, she's got a one track mind, so I keep her penned most of the time.
Anyway, Numi & Brodie came up for a snack while I was sitting there,then slowly circled the playpen, watching, laid near the pen for awhile before wandering off.
The keets were only quietly peeping. When I started taking them in,the little blonde or whatever was the last to go & was raising a racket. Out of nowhere came Numi & Brodie double-time. I don't think Numi has ever had cause to move so fast, she hit the brakes & looked at me panting. Lol.:gig
So I think all will be well by the time they move in w/her.
It's 87°, so I put the keets in the playpen under a tree w/both shade and filtered sunlight while I cleaned the brooder. I did so the other day when it was in the 90°s but all they did was huddle in terror.
Today started off similar but it didn't take long before they were side eyeing me & checking out the environment, stretching, preening & snacking.
Even Numi has adjusted to their presence, so everyone spends time at the window watching them each day except Mama, she's got a one track mind, so I keep her penned most of the time.
Anyway, Numi & Brodie came up for a snack while I was sitting there,then slowly circled the playpen, watching, laid near the pen for awhile before wandering off.
The keets were only quietly peeping. When I started taking them in,the little blonde or whatever was the last to go & was raising a racket. Out of nowhere came Numi & Brodie double-time. I don't think Numi has ever had cause to move so fast, she hit the brakes & looked at me panting. Lol.:gig
So I think all will be well by the time they move in w/her.
Awwwww! Aunt Numi!!! :love Clearly we need some cute keets in playpen pics!
Another snuggler. Oddly enough in brooder it likes to have room away from the rest to stretch out. Tried to get a pic in brooder but it didn't come out bright enough. This one has a tendan y to flop it's head over it's back while sleeping in what looks like an awkward angle. 😳 20220622_231226.jpg
Another snuggler. Oddly enough in brooder it likes to have room away from the rest to stretch out. Tried to get a pic in brooder but it didn't come out bright enough. This one has a tendan y to flop it's head over it's back while sleeping in what looks like an awkward angle. 😳View attachment 3161126
You seem to get the snuggliest guineas! :love
Wow! Who’s looking happy and gorgeous???😍 Do you think upper left keet in lower left picture might be pastel? I’m loving Lil Bit’s sun bleached pastel look right now! That “washed out violet” look is reminding me of her. LB recently escaped my coop laying designs and made her own wild outside nest, then decided to go broody on it. I found her (in a thicket of brambles, of course) convinced her and Viola to go back to the coop, and dismantled the nest. It was the most AMAZING nest! I’ve never seen a Guinea nest like it. It was like a songbird nest, LB had made a circulate depression in the ground, but then somehow wove vegetation and feathers into this amazing basket. Then the eggs (21) were tightly into this basket and arranged evenly with a depression in the middle. I found it to be an astounding Guinea nest and hated to destroy it!
Wow! Who’s looking happy and gorgeous???😍 Do you think upper left keet in lower left picture might be pastel? I’m loving Lil Bit’s sun bleached pastel look right now! That “washed out violet” look is reminding me of her. LB recently escaped my coop laying designs and made her own wild outside nest, then decided to go broody on it. I found her (in a thicket of brambles, of course) convinced her and Viola to go back to the coop, and dismantled the nest. It was the most AMAZING nest! I’ve never seen a Guinea nest like it. It was like a songbird nest, LB had made a circulate depression in the ground, but then somehow wove vegetation and feathers into this amazing basket. Then the eggs (21) were tightly into this basket and arranged evenly with a depression in the middle. I found it to be an astounding Guinea nest and hated to destroy it!
Well, we had determined(we=in here) there were 2 and 2, 2 violet, 2 slate. But I took more pics today and note the ones in question, their heads are different. What do you think? I'm still stuck on the fluffiness! Lol
Well, we had determined(we=in here) there were 2 and 2, 2 violet, 2 slate. But I took more pics today and note the ones in question, their heads are different. What do you think? I'm still stuck on the fluffiness! Lol
View attachment 3169586
Wow! What cute and happy babies you have! What are those two lightest colored ones again? 😹 For that trio on the right, I’m guessing that the one on the far right was slate, because I can still see brown on the side of the face, so not violet, which has white on the side of the face and white wings. The two next to it though could be a violet and a pastel. The middle keet of the trio does not have a very dark head, where’s the one on the left does have a darker head. I went back and forth for awhile on Lil Bit due to that lighter brown head, then her adult feathers were like a lighter shade of violet. Here’s pics of Lil Bit as a little keet, and of LB next to Viola the violet.


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Wow! What cute and happy babies you have! What are those two lightest colored ones again? 😹 For that trio on the right, I’m guessing that the one on the far right was slate, because I can still see brown on the side of the face, so not violet, which has white on the side of the face and white wings. The two next to it though could be a violet and a pastel. The middle keet of the trio does not have a very dark head, where’s the one on the left does have a darker head. I went back and forth for awhile on Lil Bit due to that lighter brown head, then her adult feathers were like a lighter shade of violet. Here’s pics of Lil Bit as a little keet, and of LB next to Viola the violet.
Coral blue, chocolate male, and blonde. There could be a pewter in there- I went back & looked at order again to remember what I got.
Violet,coral blue,chocolate,pastel, blonde,pewter,slate,bronze,buff.
definitely no buffs or bronzes made it.
So LB end up being, pastel? She's kind of shadowed in that pic.


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