Introducing two new adult hens to a static flock

Hi everyone, long story short- we have had a couple of predator attacks the last few years and our flock of 6 has dwindled down to 4 (4 adult hens around 3 years old). We are looking to add 2 adult chickens to the flock of 4. These 4 have only ever had each other, a couple can be a bit territorial at times. I'm concerned about introducing the two new adult chickens. We have not gotten them yet but plan on doing so- we have a couple of local town residents with backyard flocks like ours that are willing to sell a few of theirs.

Any tips or suggestions on how to do this? Are there specific questions I should ask the owners of the 2 chickens? Do you think doing this will be successful?

Side note- the predator attacks happened during free ranging- the risk we take, I know. The coop itself is secure and all set and ready to house the extra 2 chickens.
Once you are sure the new birds are healthy place them where they can see, but not touch or be touched by the the other birds. When you allow them to mix after a week more provide hiding places that are not traps and extra places to get food and water.

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