As you can tell from my 'User Name', the Ducks have me!
We got our first three Rouen's as day olds from a friend. When they were three weeks old we got the parents! We put the two groups together and don't have much trouble. They will hang together when in their pen but break into two groups out in their yard. The adult drake picks on his son but I guess that's just boys! We lost a ducklet when my Husband didn't listen to me and thought they could remain out of their secure pen at night. They are now penned up at dusk!
Our setup consists of a fenced 1/4 acre yard (5 foot) small holes that is secure against most invasion for free range feeding during the day. Two kiddie wading pools (so the drake cannot protect both of them). Multiple feeding and watering stations around the yard and in their secure pen. The secure pen is an old dog run on 'trex' boarding approximately 8' x 15' with chicken wire top. Chicken wire around the outside for additional security. During the winter we will put an old dog house or crate in the pen for shelter.
We also have six 15 day old eggs in an incubator that are doing very well so far.
Today, my Husband is bringing home a year old Indian Runner duck. She was raised as an only duck with chickens and now the chickens are picking on her. So off to our home she comes!
So my first and most urgent question is how should we handle the introduction of these guys?
We do have an 8' x 8' chicken wire 'free standing' cage in the free range yard. Should we put her in there for a couple of days so they can just see each other?
I just don't want to traumatize her too much on her first day!
Sorry this has been so long just wanted to give some information about our setup to help with your answers! Also, the youngsters are 7 to 8 weeks with our older ducks being about a year old.
BTW - I've been lurking for several days and there is an unbelievable amount of information here! I know I'm going to learn a lot from everyone!
We got our first three Rouen's as day olds from a friend. When they were three weeks old we got the parents! We put the two groups together and don't have much trouble. They will hang together when in their pen but break into two groups out in their yard. The adult drake picks on his son but I guess that's just boys! We lost a ducklet when my Husband didn't listen to me and thought they could remain out of their secure pen at night. They are now penned up at dusk!
Our setup consists of a fenced 1/4 acre yard (5 foot) small holes that is secure against most invasion for free range feeding during the day. Two kiddie wading pools (so the drake cannot protect both of them). Multiple feeding and watering stations around the yard and in their secure pen. The secure pen is an old dog run on 'trex' boarding approximately 8' x 15' with chicken wire top. Chicken wire around the outside for additional security. During the winter we will put an old dog house or crate in the pen for shelter.
We also have six 15 day old eggs in an incubator that are doing very well so far.
Today, my Husband is bringing home a year old Indian Runner duck. She was raised as an only duck with chickens and now the chickens are picking on her. So off to our home she comes!
So my first and most urgent question is how should we handle the introduction of these guys?
We do have an 8' x 8' chicken wire 'free standing' cage in the free range yard. Should we put her in there for a couple of days so they can just see each other?
I just don't want to traumatize her too much on her first day!
Sorry this has been so long just wanted to give some information about our setup to help with your answers! Also, the youngsters are 7 to 8 weeks with our older ducks being about a year old.
BTW - I've been lurking for several days and there is an unbelievable amount of information here! I know I'm going to learn a lot from everyone!