Introduction from Gilbert, Arizona


In the Brooder
5 Years
Apr 22, 2014
Gilbert, AZ
I have been "stalking" the site for some time now and finally decided to take the time to sign up. I LOVE LOVE LOVE this site and all the wonderful posts, information and people that make it such a great way to spend my time! I am currently living in Gilbert AZ and am looking for an acre or two to purchase (has been interesting!) so that I can start the next adventure in my life, raising chickens! I do not currently own any but have created quite a wish list based on the information on this site.
I hope to raise layers and "meaties" (is that the correct way to say it?) I also hope to eventually raise my own beef and of course have a huge garden. I still have so much to learn and it seems that the more I read, the more questions I have.
I am a single mom with a 24, 21 and 17 yr old. My two oldest sons are out of the home (1 finishing up college) and my youngest will graduate next year. Instead of suffering through empty nest syndrome I've decided to fill the nest with plenty of animals, vegetables and fruit trees for canning, etc.
Hopefully this is a proper introduction and I look forward to reading, reading and more reading of all the informative (and some very funny!) posts on BYC.
Welcome to the flock

Lots of empty nesters find chickens are a good substitute even though they act like teenagers sometimes.
Welcome. Haven't been here long myself but yes it is awesome. I'm in Phoenix at 59th ave and the I-10. I got my girls (fingers crossed) March 15th. They're a lot of fun. Follow me like little kids. Chirping away. they make a mess of the back porch popping and all but other than that they are a great addition. My wife's puppy has killed 4 of them in total when they were still tiny. We are in training mode now. Can't wait til they're popping eggs into my pans. So how long are you gonna have to wait before you get your flock going?

Welcome to BYC!

Yes, you got it right..Meaties!! We have a meat bird forum here on BYC if you want to learn more about raising and processing them...

Being self sufficient in life is a great way to live. Good for the health and soul.

Great to have you aboard and welcome to our flock!
Hello :frow and Welcome To BYC! Good luck in your search for a new home, hope you are able to find some land and have your chickens and gardens!
Greetings from a fellow Arizonan and
Good luck on your new chicken adventure! Be sure to drop by the BYC AZ thread and ask lots of questions as you make your plans, we love to help new people. We have lots of folks from Gilbert there too.

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