

5 Years
Mar 5, 2018
live on 9 acres near the Lake of the Ozarks in Central Missouri. I raised chickens from elementary school through high school and sold eggs to buy feed, and we butchered some for the family - taught me a lot about finance and responsibility. But then life took me from college to town and some cities won't allow chickens. In fact, part of my 9 acres is zoned residential and thus no chickens, and part of it is zoned agricultural so no problem - the city admin. says as long as the coop is on the agricultural part is okay if the chickens wander over to the residential part. : )

Anyhow, I am a minister and online college professor. I am married and we have 4 kids and 2 grandkids. My current "flock" consists of of one Rhode Island Red and one Easter Egg rooster, and one Cinnamon Queen and 2 Barred Rock hens. We also have 2 goats, 3 dogs, and 3 cats.

I mainly get few chickens to help control the tick and other insect population - so they are free range, and doing their job pretty well. But the eggs are good too! : )

I guess thats it for now. See ya'll 'round.
Chickens are good for bugs but, I've heard the champion tick eaters are Guineas. I imagine for 9 acres, you'd need quite a few. Welcome to the Backyard chickens family.
I thought about Guineas . . .then I thought about my neighbors . . . then I decided on chickens! They don't need to get all the ticks from the nine acres, just keep the years and such - about an acre and a half reasonable clear.
I thought about Guineas . . .then I thought about my neighbors . . . then I decided on chickens! They don't need to get all the ticks from the nine acres, just keep the years and such - about an acre and a half reasonable clear.
Good thinking! I once considered guineas, but about that time some neighbors down the road got some. Their far enough away that they don't bother us, but being around them over there cured me of any desire to have them on our place!

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