

May 10, 2023
Hello, My name is Pebble (The name I go by online anyway). I'm from the UK and at the moment I am about to do my GCSE's which I am for sure nervous about! I've seen this website a few time's when looking for information about my ducks and my concerns but finally decided to just make an account and just ask my own questions rather then leech of off ones similar to my own.
I own two ducks, a black male Indian runner called Duckington (My little brother named him) and a chubby male Aylesbury duck called Buddy. Both of my babies are going to be 1 year old on the 16th of July!
I've had Buddy since he was an egg but Duckington I got when he was around 3-4 days old as sadly Buddy was the only egg that hatched... But maybe that's for the best as we got 4 eggs, I wouldn't be able to take care of 4 ducks sadly let alone them being different genders... The numbers wouldn't work out at all.
(Little bit of a vent, sorry I seem to accidently all ways end up going into this when I first tell someone about my ducks, guess I'm a little to open with random people)
I can't lie I got my duck's because having ducks as pets had become pretty popular online.... But don't be mistaken, I did promise I'd take care of them no matter what. I'm not one of them kids/teens who just ditch their pets when they get bored! Though when I first got my ducks, I had a lot of depression which they did help with but also didn't... Often I felt I was doing something wrong... That they didn't love me like I loved them, they got to that 'teenage' age fast and sadly they became a bit aggressive which didn't help at all, I often pushed them away and cried my eyes out telling myself they hated me... I now understand they didn't know they were hurting me it was just the age they where at and that was all. As my depression got worse, I never let them outside and often when I cleaned their cage due to my room being the size of a cupboard I would put them in the shower while I sorted it out.... Their cage was right in front of my door, every time you walked in the room you were in their cage and it was so small (luckily they were young at the time so they were small also). I look back on this and don't blame myself at all, though I do understand I should have never let my depression get in the way of my duck's happiness I couldn't do anything about it in the moment and all I can do now is improve and learn how to better care for my ducks. Ever since I got to re-start everything, swap rooms with my siblings, re-design my room and keep up with the cleaning I've been feeling so much better and really noticed how much my ducks helped me get here, without them I'd probably still be in that room, drowning in my own depression in a really disgusting room.... Now my ducks only are indoors at night time as they don't seem to like being outside when it's dark but no need to worry, they have a a nice big cage and many toys that they love, I change their water often and give them blankets which I clean out once every day and a mini cage inside of their big cage for comfort/'safety'. The mini cage was actually their home when they were ducklings and something adorable is that Buddy has grown VERY connected to this cage and every time he goes in it he does these little happy quacks none stop as he tries to get comfy. (He legit scratch's at the floor like cat when they try to get comfy it's funny) Any-who I'll for sure be talking about more happier topics around my ducks as now we have passed all that mess and are doing so much better but ofc we still have our ups and downs that I may talk about for some advice at another time! But for now I will be asking some questions I have about my ducks because I have a few.... I'm a new duck owner if you couldn't tell from everything I had already said. ENJOY THE PHOTO'S!!! ❤️

WhatsApp Image 2023-05-10 at 11.21.04 PM.jpeg
WhatsApp Image 2023-05-10 at 11.21.05 PM (5).jpeg
Hello, My name is Pebble (The name I go by online anyway). I'm from the UK and at the moment I am about to do my GCSE's which I am for sure nervous about! I've seen this website a few time's when looking for information about my ducks and my concerns but finally decided to just make an account and just ask my own questions rather then leech of off ones similar to my own.
I own two ducks, a black male Indian runner called Duckington (My little brother named him) and a chubby male Aylesbury duck called Buddy. Both of my babies are going to be 1 year old on the 16th of July!
I've had Buddy since he was an egg but Duckington I got when he was around 3-4 days old as sadly Buddy was the only egg that hatched... But maybe that's for the best as we got 4 eggs, I wouldn't be able to take care of 4 ducks sadly let alone them being different genders... The numbers wouldn't work out at all.
(Little bit of a vent, sorry I seem to accidently all ways end up going into this when I first tell someone about my ducks, guess I'm a little to open with random people)
I can't lie I got my duck's because having ducks as pets had become pretty popular online.... But don't be mistaken, I did promise I'd take care of them no matter what. I'm not one of them kids/teens who just ditch their pets when they get bored! Though when I first got my ducks, I had a lot of depression which they did help with but also didn't... Often I felt I was doing something wrong... That they didn't love me like I loved them, they got to that 'teenage' age fast and sadly they became a bit aggressive which didn't help at all, I often pushed them away and cried my eyes out telling myself they hated me... I now understand they didn't know they were hurting me it was just the age they where at and that was all. As my depression got worse, I never let them outside and often when I cleaned their cage due to my room being the size of a cupboard I would put them in the shower while I sorted it out.... Their cage was right in front of my door, every time you walked in the room you were in their cage and it was so small (luckily they were young at the time so they were small also). I look back on this and don't blame myself at all, though I do understand I should have never let my depression get in the way of my duck's happiness I couldn't do anything about it in the moment and all I can do now is improve and learn how to better care for my ducks. Ever since I got to re-start everything, swap rooms with my siblings, re-design my room and keep up with the cleaning I've been feeling so much better and really noticed how much my ducks helped me get here, without them I'd probably still be in that room, drowning in my own depression in a really disgusting room.... Now my ducks only are indoors at night time as they don't seem to like being outside when it's dark but no need to worry, they have a a nice big cage and many toys that they love, I change their water often and give them blankets which I clean out once every day and a mini cage inside of their big cage for comfort/'safety'. The mini cage was actually their home when they were ducklings and something adorable is that Buddy has grown VERY connected to this cage and every time he goes in it he does these little happy quacks none stop as he tries to get comfy. (He legit scratch's at the floor like cat when they try to get comfy it's funny) Any-who I'll for sure be talking about more happier topics around my ducks as now we have passed all that mess and are doing so much better but ofc we still have our ups and downs that I may talk about for some advice at another time! But for now I will be asking some questions I have about my ducks because I have a few.... I'm a new duck owner if you couldn't tell from everything I had already said. ENJOY THE PHOTO'S!!! ❤️

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Welcome to BYC!! The last pic is adorable. ❤️

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