

In the Brooder
Oct 4, 2023
Hey i’m from Australia and this is my introduction. I just bought a duck and i want to be a duck mummy. I don’t know if it’s a he or a she yet and i don’t know how old they are as the person i bought the duck of didn’t tell me any information. If u guys have any tips to help me with being the best duck mum i would love it.
Hey i’m from Australia and this is my introduction. I just bought a duck and i want to be a duck mummy. I don’t know if it’s a he or a she yet and i don’t know how old they are as the person i bought him off didn’t tell me any information. If u guys have any tip to help me with being the best duck mum i would love it.
Hi, and welcome to BYC! We're glad to have you here. If you could post a picture, maybe someone could help with the identification?
maybe, do the ducks need friends? I hope im not gonna kill the duck because i took it away from its duck family.
Yes, ducks are normally in groups and just one duck may be depressed if it's alone. You should get at least one, but more than that if possible.
Hi, and welcome to BYC! We're glad to have you here. If you could post a picture, maybe someone could help with the identification?

Yes, ducks are normally in groups and just one duck may be depressed if it's alone. You should get at least one, but more than that if possible.

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