I have 21 chicks that are a mix of RI reds, red rock X pullets, SLW, 2 Cornish X, and 2 unknowns that were purchased as Cornish X but clearly are not. They are about 7 weeks old and have been outside in their coop and run for 2 weeks. Today I purchased a 5-6 week old Easter egger pullet and a Buff Orpington pullet also 5-6 week. As soon as I put them in the coop, a RIR, one of the unknowns, and a SLW that I think is a roo started attacking them. I built a wire pen in one part of the coop and gave them separate water and feed. The new chicks are considerably smaller than the others. How long will I have to keep the isolated like this before I can reintroduce them to the flock. I plan on keeping them, 3 RIR, and 2-3 SLW pullets once I can gender them, the rest will go to freezer camp to borrow another poster's phrase.