Iowa Blue breeders

Did you buy straight run or sexed? They are a sex linked breed so supposedly you are able to sex them at hatch.

I contacted Ideal and they said they are not an auto sexing breed. they said that the rooster can be used to create sexlink chicks, but they are not a color sexable breed.
Did you buy straight run or sexed? They are a sex linked breed so supposedly you are able to sex them at hatch.

I contacted Ideal and they said they are not an auto sexing breed. they said that the rooster can be used to create sexlink chicks, but they are not a color sexable breed.

Thanks for that clarification. I used the info.
They are not a sexlinked breed. They can sex them by the wings when they hatch, but they are not a sexlinked breed by the true definition of sexlinked. Sometimes the ones with extra white on the face are males, but it is not a sure thing and those with just a white chin can still be males. The ones I got from Calif were both extended black birchens and just birchens. Extended black will have totally black feet and dark bottoms and the white belly is darkened. The birchens will have two colored feet. Feathered out the extended black females dont get as much silver on their necks and top of head, usually. The darkened feet can develope color on bottoms later on. Hopefully there lines wont be as mossey as the line I purchased from Calif.

Sandhill didnt even offer them for sale this yr. for some reason.
I see on some sites it says the Iowa Blue can be used in producing sex linked chicks when crossed with a White Rock or New Hampshire Red....does anyone have any more info on this?
Raised 6 this summer, 4 hens and 2 roosters, I like them, very alert, and knew where food came from. mine came from, ideal, culled 2 roosters. used feathersite for proper color.
came from ideal, sold, 2 roosters &3 hens, kept the best hen, Imop, will probely try, them next year again,
liked them.
Can any of you post a pic of the birds you got from Ideal or anywhere?

It would sure help. Have seen the pics on Feathersite but would like to see others. Different light affects the appearance.

I plan to get some Iowa Blue chicks next spring but I would like to see some pictures of the Iowa Blues if there is any out there.
The one i got as a pullet from Ideal is still all black, so if all black means pullet, I should be OK, but I honestly don't know if they are a sex-linked breed or not. As soon as it shows some color other than that of an australorp, I will post a pic. RIght now, she looks just like an australorp.

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