Iowa Blues - Breed thread and discussion

We had some frigid temps for a couple days. The birds still are going out and exploring, but they stuck to the east side of the hill, house, etc. Smart chicks, avoiding all that cold wind. The temps are better today and the girls are out scratching in the snow looking for something good. I gave them some extra treats this am and they were having a ball when I left for work.
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Brett and I are not able to come out for the show unfortunately. Maybe in the spring when more birds are entered and we won't feel bad leaving them in the coop with warmer weather. We lost our sitter and I just don't want them being unattended for three days in our unpredictable weather.

I hope every one and the birds are staying warm. It has been very windy and cold here. Our IaBs have been out every day running around, but usually are the first ones back in the coop around 5pm when it gets dark. So far they are adjusting well.

I hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday.
It turns out I won't be able to make it to the show either. Life is crazy busy here with construction. Wish I could be there to see everyone and their birds. Next time!
Oh shoot! I think without your birds there will only be 3 silvers at the show this year.........Connie's and mine are molting, and Denny is in Texas!
our "Sweetie" found a new place to sit this morning - & was even so kind as to dust off part of my windshield
:- )
our "Sweetie" found a new place to sit this morning - & was even so kind as to dust off part of my windshield
:- )
Absolutely LOVE these stories! Candy, it looks like we'll be creating a newsletter for the membership this coming year, and I would like to use this pic and the short story in there. Is that alright? Also, bring any such experiences my way so we can make sure to use them in the newsletters!!!

Anyone else who can capture some funny moments, be sure to send them to me. Any story will be great, but if you can add the name of the bird and a pic, that would be, everyone's homework.........send your stories and experiences to me so we can share them with out membership! :)
Candy, keep the photos coming. We've all had our turns "photo bombing' this thread. Everyone gets their turn and it helps out when others get busy and can't get pictures uploaded for lengthy periods of time.....

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