Iowa Blues - Breed thread and discussion

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A glorious day out today, can't believe this winter so far. The birds are out free ranging on the barren areas of the yard today and having a ball.
So has anyone raising chicks from Jim ever got one that looked like this?

I raised this one before I sold him my flock. If I didn't know better I'd say he was sired by a Silver Laced Wyandotte
I do have a SLW roo, but they're the same age.
He looks similar to my silver penciled rock, no penciling on the chest on mine though. Of course mine has yellow legs, too.

So has anyone raising chicks from Jim ever got one that looked like this?

I raised this one before I sold him my flock. If I didn't know better I'd say he was sired by a Silver Laced Wyandotte
I do have a SLW roo, but they're the same age.
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Hi anderson, where did you get your SP Rocks from? I just ordered chicks from Dick Horstman and hope to get hatching eggs from Wynette. I'm going to evaluate them for a possible cross into the silver penciled IBs to improve size, penciling and egg quality. I'm still trying to figure out how get back the dark legs and eyes though.

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