Iowa Blues - Breed thread and discussion

Hooray! I
I have two chicks in the hatcher now from 18 due to hatch tomorrow. These are the Silver Penciled Rock/Iowa Blue cross. So far they are mottled brown with yellow legs as expected.
I checked the 'bator at 4:30 am and nothing had changed. At 7:00 am I had a chick. He's It's mottled brown/black with black legs. We call that color pattern brindle in the dog world LOL. I see another egg has a pip mark as well. I'm really hoping to have at least five so I can keep a couple of hens and a roo. Time will tell...
Congratulations guys! The more silver colored birds we can get, the faster we can restore the Iowa Blue to it's original color!!
Hooray! I
I have two chicks in the hatcher now from 18 due to hatch tomorrow. These are the Silver Penciled Rock/Iowa Blue cross. So far they are mottled brown with yellow legs as expected.
I would take a dozen of those eggs off your hands :)
Hooray! I
I have two chicks in the hatcher now from 18 due to hatch tomorrow. These are the Silver Penciled Rock/Iowa Blue cross. So far they are mottled brown with yellow legs as expected.

Woop, woop. Congrats. I am dying to come visit and snatch some birds/eggs/whatever I can make off with.

I would take a dozen of those eggs off your hands :)

Me, too!
Hey Connie + Kari

So far I have three chicks looks like 1 silver, 2 birchen , another is working its way out, and one is just starting to pip. There are five eggs that as yet, show no signs. I guess by tomorrow morning the deal is done, eh? Today is the 21st day. I am hoping for 7 to improve my chances of getting a trio of hens and a roo to keep as my foundation stock.
Mine usually pop like popcorn all at once, then whatever is left over either doesn't make it or has problems. Shipped eggs though suffer a lot of trauma so they may hatch more sporadically. I hatched errr some. 13 I think? They won't hold still to count and I have one pipped so I don't want to open right now. I see some black ones so I'm guessing those eggs were collected early in the rooster switch?

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