Ipswich Brisbane I Have Shelter

I'll keep your family in my prayers. Please be careful! The floodwaters look very dangerous and scary - I've seen some of it on the news. You're doing a wonderful thing to reach out to those that need help right now.
just on the news.. 2 more bodies have been found in the Lokyer valley
i feel so sorry for the familes that have lost people
It's so sad, isn't it?

This is insane. My husband and I can't go out to help, we've tried, they won't let us... we're so nervous trying to get people in - some people tried to make it and couldn't and now they're stranded - we have no way of getting to them. They're going to try again in a few hours. Prayers!!!
I posted my address in quite a few places on FB than you!

My internet went down for awhile but I got it back. I won't be on much the next few days though because my husband and I have decided to spend our days at the floods helping the victims. We've got photos, but I don't feel right posting them. It's very hard but we're doing well. I baked bread for those that didn't have any - it was gump bread you'll all be happy to know.

Some of the stuff I saw... some of the people banding together... some of the horror... it gives you SO much faith in humanity.. and so little..at the same time.

I don't know what to say or even how to describe what's going on out there. Apocolyptic?

Also: ceiling insulator - don't get it.
The sucky part is once you find one you realize you forgot another. So I found two missing friends but still have one MIA. His two-story business (that he lived in) is under STILL after a few days... so we're taking the boat to look for him today!

Thanks for the hugs. <3

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