

9 Years
Mar 29, 2013
Hello! we have been fortunate enough to have chickens for years! and we love them as pets and use their eggs. Our oldest Hen is Iris, a BIG Barr rock she is 7 years old and her and her girls live in the retirement village pen to live out thier lives and be happy.
We have wellsummers and silkies and are getting some easter eggers soon. So excited to have the different colored eggs. two years ago we decided to get 6 white girls to have some steady egg production. That blew up in our face!! I had an uneasy feeling to get some back ups and I m glad we did because ALL SIX white leghorns turned out to be ROOSTERS!!! what a surprise. I am glad to join here since I seek ideas and information to keep our chicks happy (and the boys also :}
Can any one tell me what my new "mystery chicks are/// I am almost sure ones a roo, they are on my profile pic. Thanks alot
Greetings from Kansas, irismommy, and
! Pleased to have you here! Good luck to you, your hens and your roosters!!
thanks : } I am trying to find out what my new chicks are in my pic do you have any idea? i was HOPING for easter eggers but their feet are pink not blue or dark
they are bantams

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