Irridesent features = male??


In the Brooder
8 Years
Mar 4, 2011
Louisville, KY
I have 4 Ameraucanas chicks (hopefully pullets) that I received from a local farm. My solid black chick (10-11 weeks old) is starting to get irredescent body feathers. Since my chicks are rumpless, there are no tail feathers. I can't post pics because I'm new to BYC. Any thoughts? Thanks!
I have 4 Ameraucanas chicks (hopefully pullets) that I received from a local farm. My solid black chick (10-11 weeks old) is starting to get irredescent body feathers. Since my chicks are rumpless, there are no tail feathers. I can't post pics because I'm new to BYC. Any thoughts? Thanks!
Solid black pullets from some breeds can have irredescent body feathers. Are you sure your birds are Americauns? Usually the "rumpless" featur is associated with the real Araucanas and is lost when producing Americauns...........Pop
Sooo, pointy hackle features = cock?
To: Pop, no I'm not sure they Ameraucanas, they are definitely rumpless though... does that mean they are Easter Eggers? Thanks so much!
Irridescent green/black body feathers do not indicate a roo. Australorp hens frequently have them, some barred rocks have a sheen, also.
If they are truly rumpless, they are Araucanas. But that's even less likely... Yes. Pointy hackle and especially SADDLE feathers. Also, cockerels tend to have "thick legs".

Breeder birds, of black color, are always iridescent. Males, however, usually have more blue/purple than the hens.

Post some pics. If you can't post, just e-mail them to me and I'll help
Gotta help my fellow KY'er.
I have 6 EE hens and 3 have lots of iridescent feathers on their bodies. On of the gals even hints at a curved tail feather. Look for pointy hackle and saddle feathers and at some point long curved sickle like tail feathers (too soon for those now though). Find a way to post pictures if you can. Everyone loves to guess at the sex of the birds on here. It's fun for all! Best of luck!
Yes, pointy hackle and saddle feathers indicate a cockeral. Google "Araucana" and check out the pics compared to yours. Araucanas, Americaunas, and Easter Eggers all lay colored eggs, but the Araucana is the only one that has rumpless indeviduals and the most desirable ones also have cheek tufts. Araucanas are also the originals from which the others were derived........Pop

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