Irritating egg buying customers....*vent*

sounds like you had 2 jesus chicks on the way....." Away in the skillet, fried jesus did lay......about to get scrambled, but got thrown away" lol
I handle it this way.
ANY negative comment,, no more eggs.. If someone gets a bloody egg (extremely rare) or something wrong with an egg and they come to me like a sane adult I give them two eggs to replace the one..

If they come at me like gang busters, they get one egg and then they are off the egg list forever..

One guy I worked with bought a few dozen each week.. then around Easter time the big chain store had a special on eggs. so this guy did not buy from me for two weeks .. when the sale was over, he came to me for eggs because mine were less expensive again.. I told him to go to the store ..
I never sold him another egg..

I had to cut off a customer after she read me the riot act for not telling her the eggs she'd been buying for a year were fertilized. She didn't even let me get a word in edgewise in her rant. I hung up on her. If she'd ever bothered to look at the egg carton she'd see it said fertile eggs. plus she'd seen pics of my flock with thie rooster.


No great loss there's always more peopel who want eggs than I have to sell.
amen to that.. I wonder how she liked the eggs she ate for a year?

what is it about the fertilized part they do not like?? after all the egg part is the first half of the equasion. the rooster adds very little more..
For some people, the idea that the eggs are fertile gives them the idea that they are eating a baby chick. My young nephew and niece were that way until I explained that until that egg was incubated it wasn't going to develop into a chick & I collect the eggs everyday so "no incubation = no chickie." They were fine with that and now eat the eggs with no problem.
Perhaps she figured your chickens use protection...


would that be BC pills for the girls.. or do the roo's have to stop at the drugstore every few days?​
you know what's funny I've gotten fertilized eggs from the store, many times! I know it was because there was an almost fully developed chick inside. yuck! I wonder how many of us have eaten fertilized eggs in our lifetime and never knew it? Probably a lot!

Anyways, I got another email from this customer saying they are sorry they are ignorant of what a fertilized egg looked like, and that they got a blood spot and thought it was an embryo. So they threw them out. They want to do more business with me in the future, but I dont know if I should. I mean they thought my eggs were pretty small. argg

I don't take criticism (sp?) well with my eggs apparently. I might email them back eventually, but I don't want to any time soon. I need let it annoy me less first.


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