Is 3 weeks too big an age difference?


Dogwood Trace Farm
8 Years
Jun 3, 2011
Middle Tennessee
Next week I'm getting four 3-week old chicks. I had thought about ordering some day old chick, too - but I don't know if they can be put together. Is 3 weeks too big an age difference to put them in the same brooder? The 3-weeks olds are Araucanas.
WHen I got mine I had 2 day old chicks and 10 3 week old chicks and they told us to seperate them. There is a big size difference in them, so we did! All 12 doing great. 4 of mine are Ameracunas too
They don't have to be separated, but I would recommend it. I have kept 1 month old chicks with day old chicks and it turned out just fine.
Thanks for the replies. I think I will probably just keep the 3 week olds and not order anymore right now. If I do, though, I will keep them separated - at least for the first few weeks. CHicken math is so tempting - but I'm trying to stay reasonable. LOL!
Not to beat a dead horse, but...... I have 1 silkie baby. By the time, the other 3 hopefully hatch
, their age difference will be 12 days. Will that be ok? I think my firefighter husband will kill me if I have two heat sources plugged in at the same time.
So, I really don't want to have two waters, two feed containers, two boxes, and two heat lamps. Plus, my single silkie looks lonely.
I think the silkies will be fine at 12 days - for 2 reasons.
One, the single chick will be older and more lonely.
Two, 12 days is less than 2 weeks so the size difference is not that bad.
Hope you have a good second hatch!
they'reHISchickens :

I think the silkies will be fine at 12 days - for 2 reasons.
One, the single chick will be older and more lonely.
Two, 12 days is less than 2 weeks so the size difference is not that bad.
Hope you have a good second hatch!

thank you so much! i needed that reassurance.
I'm wondering the same thing about this weird scattered hatch I've got going now.

12 days ago, my fave hen hatched two chicks, one thrived, one got stuck to the egg and died.
Two days ago another hatched but died before getting all the way out of the egg.
Then today another one hatched and when I went out to check the water/food supply in that enclosure it was looking a little exhausted and hot. I brought it in a dunked it's beak into the waterer and provided some food.

Can I bring in the first hatched chick, who is now 12 days old, to keep the new one company? It has been doing great with the mama hen but I feel the new chick really needs companionship.

Thanks in advance for any advice


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