is a Little Giant 9300 still air incubator GOOD FOR BEGINNERS??

SOMEONE PLEEEASE HELP ME!! My fertilized egg is black when I candle it, and the vanes are pink,Is it dead?! Will it explode?! I don't know what to do! Im only incubating 2 eggs and this is the first time iv ever tried to indicate eggs. Are my eggs going to die? When I got them they where defiantly alive, and I have had the 4 to 5 days now, I really need to know if they are going to explode! Please help!!
What day are they on?
I actually just bought this incubator from Tractor Supply. It is kept in a closed off room that is kept at a stable temperature. Any advice or life hacks I can use to make my new LG 9300 stable for my eggs that will be arriving in a few days? I already hooked up a computer fan to it so it will be forced air.
Im so sad. Yesterday my white egg died. The baby chick had black feathers on. Its so annoying how the chick randomly died. I have 1 more silkie egg left. Im counting on this egg!

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