Is anti-freeze soaked meat too mean of a way to kill?

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Sparkle Magnet
May 6, 2009
Akron, Ohio
A few days ago, some animals (either two large stray dogs that have been wandering our five-acre patch of wilderness or a pack of coyotes) killed all 12 of my chickens. They just tore them apart, didn't even eat them all, just dismembered them. We don't have a gun yet (yay background checks from our totally fast and efficient government!) so my parents want to soak some stew meat in antifreeze, put all of our animals inside, and then just leave it out so whatever predators killed our birds eat it and die. Yes, I'm mad as all get-out at the predators responsible, but this seems almost too mean... animal control won't come all the way out here, so what other options could we have??? Thanks for any ideas. :)
Try and build a better shelter for your chickens. More secure. I have lost chickens to raccoons . I caught the raccoon and relocated him. This way he would not keep coming back. When I had him in the trap, I looked into his eyes and all I could see, he just wanted food to eat. Don't resort to killing anything, unless it endangers your life or your children. My sincere suggestion is to build a more secure hen house. possibly with a good fence around it.
I'm so sorry to hear about this Tanichca.
I would advise against the poison. There are so many things out there that did not and will never bother your chickens yet could still eat the meat. Even if you were able to poison the animals that killed your birds, there will always be more in their footsteps. I would work to make the chicken enclosure more secure.
A few days ago, some animals (either two large stray dogs that have been wandering our five-acre patch of wilderness or a pack of coyotes) killed all 12 of my chickens. They just tore them apart, didn't even eat them all, just dismembered them. We don't have a gun yet (yay background checks from our totally fast and efficient government!) so my parents want to soak some stew meat in antifreeze, put all of our animals inside, and then just leave it out so whatever predators killed our birds eat it and die. Yes, I'm mad as all get-out at the predators responsible, but this seems almost too mean... animal control won't come all the way out here, so what other options could we have??? Thanks for any ideas. :)
Remember that stray dogs would not be the only ones attracted to the meat. If you were to inadvertently kill an eagle or any other protected species you could, I'm afraid, be facing a lot more trouble than the loss of your chickens. Many eagles, bears, wildcats, and other animals are just as attracted to that meat smell (and the lovely, sweet taste of the glycol) and there's no way you could guarantee that the only critters dining on your offering would be your target animals.
Didn't they change the laws pertaining to the ingredients in antifreeze? Didn't they change it from ethylene glycol to propylene glycol which is not as toxic? (What used to be called animal safe antifreeze, I believe?)

Everyone else seems to have it covered. Don't poison them. Do you have a trail camera? I'm sure whatever it is, it'll be back.

work on securing their coop. Electric wire or netting is an easier way to do it.
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Do what you have to do, but I doubt antifreeze soaked meat will work. Instead go to your local feed store. If they are worth their salt they will have the old school leg snap traps and snares. Set these up in likely areas of intrusion around your property (wash the traps and use gloves when setting to reduce sent). Bait with meat around the areas. If you get a coyote, kill it and hang the carcass on the fence/border of your property. Truthfully, you did not provide enough info. If they were killed at night in the coop or run then you need to do a better job of protecting them. If they were killed free ranging then you need to take the steps I outlined above. There are poison methods that work. Most ranchers I have known don't give a **** about eagles etc, they care about protecting their interests. I won't outline those methods here.
Didn't they change the laws pertaining to the ingredients in antifreeze? Didn't they change it from ethylene glycol to propylene glycol which is not as toxic? (What used to b. called animal safe antifreeze, I believe?)

Everyone else seems to have it covered. Don't poison them. Do you have a trail camera? I'm sure whatever it is, it'll be back.

work on securing their coop. Electric wire or netting is an easier way to do it.

They still make ethylene glycol and it is still widely available, there are many different types. Honestly if I were going to take the antifreeze route I wouldn't soak meat in it I would just put out a couple bowls of antifreeze around my property where my animals wouldn't get it. A dog will drink antifreeze because it tastes sweet at least it used to maybe it has changed i dont know. I personally would just shoot them
Ethylene glycol is still made and used for antifreeze. Propylene Glycol is the non toxic chemical used in antifreeze and is the preferred antifreeze.

Like others have said secure your coop and run!!

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