Is anti-freeze soaked meat too mean of a way to kill?

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I am so sorry for the loss of your flock. That must have been horrible!

I'm with the others. Where those predators came from (no matter what kind they were) there are more, and behind those even more. It's a loosing battle to try to eliminate predators when you live in the country. Your best bet, in my opinion, is like the others here have said, build a very strong coop and run. Then you can rest easy knowing when the next inevitable batch of hungry wildlife finds your place, they will have to move on for their meal and your chickens will remain safe. (My two dogs and a very strong coop protected our flock just this morning form a raccoon we watched them chase off!)
Anti freeze can be a nasty way to go. If it's going to be used, it should be left in a bowl, and not soaked into meat. That would just dilute it and probably prolong any suffering. There are other, better poisons available.

I won't go into those, because more than likely, intentionally poisoning animals this way is illegal. Keep in mind that animals other than the target animals may get into it, and while it may not be likely, there is always some possibility that a child will get into any poisons left out.You probably don't want to wake up to the news about the police looking for the suspect in a child poisoning case, and then realize that it's you.
I'm horrified at the thought of antifreeze out there! You need a very secure coop for your birds at night, and a safe run for days when they can't be free ranging. Then live traps for determined night visitors, so the really bad guys can be shot, and the neighbor's cat released. NO WAY is indiscriminant poisoning a substitute for responsible flock management. I started with bantams roosting in my barn, and many mornings found ugly slaughter events out there. It was a steep learning curve for me, and really bad for the poor birds. Fort Knox coop is essential! Mary
Totally concur w/ the advice to fortify your coop. Lost 4 out of 6 chicks my first year to Raccoon mutilation. Had to rewire coop w/ hardware cloth, come up w/ a raccoon proof door latch and dig under my existing fence to bury additional woven wire. All predators have territory... you kill one, you get more, and your chickens are never safe until you build them a fortress and make sure they are secured in it every evening.
The coop is inside the fence that surrounds the house, and is about five feet high. Coyotes have jumped it before, but never gotten close to the coop, which is why we just used heavy-duty stakes to secure the bottom of the wire wall to the ground, with concrete at the corners, where the posts are. The attack was at night, after a rainstorm, so the ground was soft and easy to dig. We'll be pouring concrete a foot deep around the edges, now that the damage is done, to ensure it never happens again.
See, I knew there had to be better options than antifreeze! Thanks, everyone, I shall talk to the parents about traps.
...soak some stew meat in antifreeze, put all of our animals inside, and then just leave it out so whatever predators killed our birds eat it and die...Thanks for any ideas.

Poison doesn't discriminate. It will kill the intended target and anything or anyone else!

Get a gun. Practice with it. Make sure of what's it behind your target before shooting.

SECURE your next flock from predators!

And for those that live trap and release. I was wondering who was dumping predators in my woods! Thank you for giving my chickens more to worry about!
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You can just make a wire skirt to go around the bottom foot of your coop, that extends out 2-3 feet to prevent digging under. You don't even have to bury it around the perimeter.

Also, a few strands of electric wire around the bottom about 6 inches off the ground and another around the top should be a great added assurance.
And for those that live trap and release. I was wondering who was dumping predators in my woods! Thank you for giving my chickens more to worry about!
Live trap and release is irresponsible.

Live trap and shoot is a much better option.

If you can't shoot, relocate it to the animal shelter, if possible.
Found on the web....
Some common signs of antifreeze poisoning in dogs and cats include:

Putting a dog(or any animal) through this for your failure to provide a secure location for your chickens makes me more than a little sick.
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