Is any breed docile AND a great layer?

I vote Australorps. I think they're an awesome breed, hardy through all kinds of weather, great layers, friendly. IMO they lay better than the orpingtons but aren't quite as sweet. They are less puffy, more heavy compared to the orpingtons too. I would not say they are as painfully sweet as the orps but they are still eat-out-of-your-hand friendly and tend to mesh well with other birds (on their part).
'painfully sweet' :yesss:
We have a flock of brown layer hybrids and a mixed breed hen. The mixed breed hen is docile and a little bullied, and I'm thinking about buying 2 docile hens to be her companions.

I'd prefer if these docile hens also lay a lot of eggs.

Now, all prolific egg layers I've seen are either hyperactive bullies (brown layer hybrids) or skittish nervous wrecks that get a heart-attack if you approach them from a mile away (Leghorn). Whereas all docile hens only lay an average amount of eggs (Brahma, Orpington).

Is there any breed that is both considered docile and a great layer? I'm leaning towards Faverolles, more than one person have claimed they lay a lot (especially in winter), and they are definitely docile. They're fairly easy to come by in my parts as well.
My Buff Orpingtons are fabulous sweet personalities. They average six eggs a week. I feel blessed because of my precious flock
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My favorites as far as great layers and awesome temperaments are:
Buff Orpingtons (not English, but hatchery type)
Barred Rocks (same with the hatchery stock as above)
Naked Necks - I know they look odd, but my NN are by far the most outgoing and lay HUGE eggs frequenly.

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