Is Anyone Hatching on March 13th??

Hatching is complete...from what I can tell. I have 5 of 6 Speckled Sussex-2 were all shaky when they guess is it was a muddy egg that got washed. Possibly Marecks? We had to cull those
4 of 8 Jersey Giant (shipped) chicks. Oh and the one BLR Wyandotte that was in there hatched. Still 4 more JG in the incubator...I'll leave them till tomorrow AM-that will be day 24. Then we start the bator up again (after cleaning it up) for my March Egg Swap eggs and more from the back yard. So much fun! I love hatching.
Dorking Chicks hatched this weekend! I have 22 total. 7 RIR w/out 5 toes, 6 Dorkings with 5 toes, 8 BSL (black sex links) with 5 toes, and one odd white/Ivory with faint stripes with 5 toes! My dorking roosters were bred with Black Sex Link hens, and next incubation project should produce red traits from the RIR.

Anyone local to NC and interested in local pickups/purchases are welcome!
9 of my Silkies are here!...
...I am so excited...more are pipped...still plenty that need to pip yet!...Come on babies!
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grrrrr... mine seem to be content to keep me up all night chirping from inside the eggs!!! i had 2 of them at it last night, all night. and still no pips or anything!!! :'( i'm getting a bit frustrated here... my temps were too low about 2-3 degrees for the first couple days so i'm hoping they are just late and that's why nothing's happening yet...
I still have about 6 eggs zipping in the bator. Here are the others.
Most of these are shipping out today.
Sleeping babies:
New Hampshires, 3 Dels, 4 Barred Rocks


Chicks in the recovery room until they fluff up....
3 Barred Rocks and 1 Del


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