Is anyone sex linking campines?


11 Years
Mar 9, 2010
Surprise Valley, CA
Hi, I ordered both golden and silver campines from Sandhill and would like to try sexlinking them. Has anyone tried this and how did it work out? Those little chicks have lots of little black zig-zags on them. They are adorable, but I'm wondering if the black markings would make it too difficult to tell the silver from gold down. I don't have these yet, but am really looking forward to their projected arrival in June.
I can't remember what a campine chick looks like right of had, but it should work fine, you would be able to tell as soon as they start feathering if not at dayold, just breed gold roos on silver hens.

Good luck !!!!!!!!
I looked them up feathersite and the silver chicks had brown spots on them too, I couldn't tell much difference between the two, so you may have to wait a couple weeks to let them start feathering out before you can sex them accurately.

Well the faces do look a bit different.
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I was experiencing technical difficulites
....see next post
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Yes, it is mostly the faces that look different. I'll have to see if I can post some pictures so others can enjoy the adorable faces. There don't seem to be many of these out there. My DH liked the roo we had and wanted more. Their supposed to be good layers and foragers, so I thought why not try a small flock? Since they are hen-feathered sex linking should help distinguish them faster, even if I have to wait a couple weeks! That's not so long all considered. I can put the sex linked pullets in the layers pen and keep the pure parents aside for future layer generations and breed pures as well to keep it going. That is if the DH and I decide we still like the breed. Tamer birds tend to be my favorites, but campines will spice it up a bit! Thanks for your replies, it's been fun.
Sounds interesting.

And a bit more info, if you ever want to breed more Silver hens, you can breed a silver roo to golden hens and that will give all silver hens and the roos will be about the same as the sexlink roos as far as color, they would have a yellow sheen over the silver.
HMMM, that might simplify things a bit with only two separate cages instead of three. I guess I'll have to see what I end up with since I'm getting straight run. Thanks for the info.
Yes I did, golden and silver. They are 12 weeks old now and just as precocious as we remember. Looking forward to building some breeding pens next spring.

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