Is Babe a babe or a beau?

Aaron E

Dec 24, 2015
Meet Babe Ruth. As a chick babe was the stockiest, funniest of all it's bothers and sisters. I'm thinking Babe is a cross between a Cochin and a Silver Laced Wyandotte. Babe is 16 weeks old. Any guesses on gender would be great!

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Babe looks like a babe. If you're positive on age, that's a pullet. A pic of the bird standing naturally would help confirm, it's hard to see the feathering when the bird is being held.
Babe Hatched on 4/30 so yes we are a few days shy of 16 weeks. Here is a photo standing. The tail feathers that are in are very rounded and don't have any green in them (I know I know that's not a definite marker on all birds) but what is stumping us is how curious he/she is. Like I said. NO fighting as of yet. Just some regular pecking order feather pulling now and then.


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