Is Cornish X genectically modified


16 Years
Jun 4, 2007
I have raised meat birds for a few years now, mainly so I know what my family is eating. Now with all this hype on everything being GM I want to make sure I am picking out the correct bird to eat. I know I can eat any chicken, but my egg layers, I think I would have to go vegetarian, they are my pets not my supper! I would like to know if there is a better choice for a meat bird that I can feel my time isnt wasted on trying to get better.
Genetically modified is a misnomer.

Meat birds are selectively bred, much like the pretty fru-fru birds you see here. The big difference is they are bred to grow quickly, and have LOTS of breast meat instead of dark eggs or fancy feathers.
The myth that the Cornish X is Genetic Engineered or Modified is the mantra of the anti establishment crowd. The truth of the matter is that they have been selectively bred by University and Industry personel for over 60 years. They are now the industry gold standard of meat chickens in producing the most meat, consuming the smallest amount of feed, in the shortest amount of time .
Many people don't understand the difference between "genetic modification" and "selective breeding". The Cornish cross meat birds are selectively bred, IMO they've overdone it, but there's nothing inherently hazardous about it. It all chicken genes, mixed by breeding only.

They are NOT GM, that would involve gene splicing, a process that allows genetic material from not only the same species, but from whatever, to be inserted into the organism. Such as wheat genes in corn, fish genes in strawberries, spider genes in a goat, etc.

It is not an evil plot by the "anti-establishment crowd", (which is just another false label to try to discredit anybody who might question the status quo of anything) to discredit the establishment, but merely ignorance of the subject. People who question the status quo come from all backgrounds, and have opinions anywhere from far right to far left, so much so that the label is meaningless. You might as well say "the type 'O' blood group crowd", as if they all thought exactly alike.
Personally I think it is terrible what they go through. I raised some one year and have seen them go cripple and have heart attacks. To me that is just cruel. I raise heritage breeds like my father and his father. I know alot will say well you just going to kill it anyway. But I feel that atleast for the short time my chickens are here they will live the best life I can give them. Yes it may take more time and feed but to me it is well worth it. Just my opion!
A friend had that problem with the legs and heart and they switched to a custom feed that wasn't as hot as the commercial feed available. I use their recipe which is on file at our local elevator and we have raised happy, grass grazing Cornish X with no cripples or heart attacks.
Researchers are working GMing chickens, but none are available to the public.

If your rations contain non-hearloom corn or soy, however, they are eating GMO feed.

But then, so are we all.
If you had that much trouble with your Cornish X you were doing something wrong. They need high powered feed, limiting the feed to 12 hours on and 12 hours off, and extra vitamins formulated for broilers won't hurt.

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