Is Flock variety necessary?


Apr 21, 2022
Just starting my own "flock" and learning ALL new things. Very much a beginner. I have recently raised 14 Rhode Island Reds to 17 weeks (so far) which are perfect for our situation including self sufficiency, which is our main goal. Question; is it better to have a variety of breed in your flock or can I just stick with Rhode Island Reds for the entire flock to have a fair amount of success given our goals? Thank you for your reply.
Depends what level of sustainability or what your breeding goals might be. If you're interested in meat production, I would encourage you to get a silver based breed of hens so that you can raise a sex-linked cross (in addition to your straight RIRs and straight whatever the female). That way you know the hens from the males at hatch, who to keep or sell as layers, vs. raise up for meat chickens.

Silver Laced Wyandotte would give you Cinnamon Queens, but there are other possibilities such as White Plymouth Rocks, Delawares, etc. or Barred Rocks for a black sex link. You just wouldn't plan to breed the offspring again since they won't breed true.

That said, if you love the breed and have no desire to take on something like that, by all means! Some people just really love the variety, rainbow eggs, or feel the flock is stronger for its diversity (?) but I think it ultimately comes down to personal preference and more specific goals.
It all depends on your personal preference.

I like to look at different colors and patterns so, though I'm going to be breeding Blue Australorps I am also keeping some other breeds in a laying flock.

Some people like to have all one kind of bird because they love that breed and that's that.

Some people like to have every bird in the flock different because they love variety.

Do what you like best. :)

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