Is It Bad to Take Chicks Away From Their Mothers at a Young Age?

This is an old thread, but I would always recommend leaving chicks with a broody hen over taking care of them. All you have to do is watch it once, and those chicks within a week are already integrated into a flock. They know how to find food and forage, they know who to stay away from, and it is so much easier and healthy. Yes, you trade off getting to handle them and having them let you cuddle them, but when they grow up and start laying, they usually are just as friendly.
Hi everyone, I am new to this forum and was wondering if anyone can help.
I have a trio of Pekins and two are broody.
My poor little Cockerel is lonely. The eggs are all due to hatch in 5 days. The broody's both have separate pens and runs.
When will it be safe to allow the mothers out for a few hours a day?
Any advice would be gratefully received.
Thanks everyone.
Agreed that it will not harm them , however I find that it is easier to let a broody raise chicks. They do all the work for you! If you think of the trade off of your time and energy to take care of these chicks and build them an enclosure, feed and water and all the other little things you will need to do, you might find that the cost of a few eggs is well worth it. My broody does a much better job of teaching babies what to eat and how to be a chicken (she is dedicated 24 hours a day) than I can for a few hours a day.

I would also feel guilty taking them away after she did all the work to hatch them :(

Good luck with your decision.
My bantam chicken is hatching babies, she’s had 2 so far with more to come, but is pecking at them every time they come out from under her :( She picked one up by the neck. I feel terrible because she’s wanted to be a mother for a long time, but she’s not being nice and I fear she will peck them to death.

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