Is it better to feed hen scratch or crumble?


9 Years
Sep 3, 2010
I have a flock of 15 chickens and would like to know in your opinion what you think is best to feed them. They are all young pullets and just starting to lay. I have been feeding them crumble and corn. They free range but do have access to their coop where their feed and water is. I live in East Texas where we seldom ever have snow and they can free range year round.
I have a flock of 15 chickens and would like to know in your opinion what you think is best to feed them. They are all young pullets and just starting to lay. I have been feeding them crumble and corn. They free range but do have access to their coop where their feed and water is. I live in East Texas where we seldom ever have snow and they can free range year round.
Scratch is a treat only and in no way is a complete feed. If they are starting to lay you can either feed them a good layer feed or an all flock feed, with oyster shell provided free choice.

Crumble is just a term to describe the form the feed is in such as crumbles vs pellets and does not in any way describe the nutritional value of the feed.

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